Politics is the heart of democracy. Every democratic country has some political party which are for the people development. In Bangladesh there are some political parties may be active or not active. See also List of Political parties in Bangladesh.
In Bangladesh politics it is frame-worked by the parliamentary representative democratic republic, whereby the head of the government is the Prime Minister. Bangladesh constitution was written in 1972. See also Constitution of Bangladesh.

Now September 2011......
Presently President of Bangladesh is Zillur Rahman - Bangladesh Awami League Since 12 February 2009
and Prime Minister of Bangladesh is Seikh Hasina - Bangladesh Awami League from 6 January 2009.
Bangladesh Politics has a long history. There has been eight times election in Bangladesh 1973, 1979, 1986, 1988, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2008
The major Political Parties of Bangladesh are Bangladesh Awami League, BNP, Jamat-e-islami Bangladesh, Jatio Party Bangladesh.
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